
Meaning of سر in English

  • A variant of -hood.
  • The anterior or superior part of an animal, containing the brain, or chief ganglia of the nervous system, the mouth, and in the higher animals, the chief sensory organs; poll; cephalon.
  • The uppermost, foremost, or most important part of an inanimate object; such a part as may be considered to resemble the head of an animal; often, also, the larger, thicker, or heavier part or extremity, in distinction from the smaller or thinner part, or from the point or edge; as, the head of a cane, a nail, a spear, an ax, a mast, a sail, a ship; that which covers and closes the top or the end of a hollow vessel; as, the head of a cask or a steam boiler.
  • The place where the head should go; as, the head of a bed, of a grave, etc.; the head of a carriage, that is, the hood which covers the head.
  • The most prominent or important member of any organized body; the chief; the leader; as, the head of a college, a school, a church, a state, and the like.
  • The place or honor, or of command; the most important or foremost position; the front; as, the head of the table; the head of a column of soldiers.
  • Each one among many; an individual; -- often used in a plural sense; as, a thousand head of cattle.
  • The seat of the intellect; the brain; the understanding; the mental faculties; as, a good head, that is, a good mind; it never entered his head, it did not occur to him; of his own head, of his own thought or will.
  • The source, fountain, spring, or beginning, as of a stream or river; as, the head of the Nile; hence, the altitude of the source, or the height of the surface, as of water, above a given place, as above an orifice at which it issues, and the pressure resulting from the height or from motion; sometimes also, the quantity in reserve; as, a mill or reservoir has a good head of water, or ten feet head; also, that part of a gulf or bay most remote from the outlet or the sea.
  • A headland; a promontory; as, Gay Head.
  • A separate part, or topic, of a discourse; a theme to be expanded; a subdivision; as, the heads of a sermon.
  • Culminating point or crisis; hence, strength; force; height.
  • Power; armed force.
  • A headdress; a covering of the head; as, a laced head; a head of hair.
  • An ear of wheat, barley, or of one of the other small cereals.
  • A dense cluster of flowers, as in clover, daisies, thistles; a capitulum.
  • A dense, compact mass of leaves, as in a cabbage or a lettuce plant.
  • The antlers of a deer.
  • A rounded mass of foam which rises on a pot of beer or other effervescing liquor.
  • Tiles laid at the eaves of a house.
  • Principal; chief; leading; first; as, the head master of a school; the head man of a tribe; a head chorister; a head cook.
  • To be at the head of; to put one's self at the head of; to lead; to direct; to act as leader to; as, to head an army, an expedition, or a riot.
  • To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head; as, to head a nail.
  • To behead; to decapitate.
  • To cut off the top of; to lop off; as, to head trees.
  • To go in front of; to get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose; hence, to check or restrain; as, to head a drove of cattle; to head a person; the wind heads a ship.
  • To set on the head; as, to head a cask.
  • To originate; to spring; to have its source, as a river.
  • To go or point in a certain direction; to tend; as, how does the ship head?
  • To form a head; as, this kind of cabbage heads early.
  • of Head
  • Furnished with a head (commonly as denoting intellectual faculties); -- used in composition; as, clear-headed, long-headed, thick-headed; a many-headed monster.
  • Formed into a head; as, a headed cabbage.
  • With the head foremost; as, to fall headlong.
  • Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation.
  • Hastily; without delay or respite.
  • Rash; precipitate; as, headlong folly.
  • Steep; precipitous.
  • Aloft; above; in or attached to the ceiling or roof; in the story or upon the floor above; in the zenith.
  • A prefix signifying over, above, beyond, upon.
  • The golden plover.
  • Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered as of this or that character; as, a low, high, loud, grave, acute, sweet, or harsh tone.
  • Accent, or inflection or modulation of the voice, as adapted to express emotion or passion.
  • A whining style of speaking; a kind of mournful or artificial strain of voice; an affected speaking with a measured rhythm ahd a regular rise and fall of the voice; as, children often read with a tone.
  • A sound considered as to pitch; as, the seven tones of the octave; she has good high tones.
  • The larger kind of interval between contiguous sounds in the diatonic scale, the smaller being called a semitone as, a whole tone too flat; raise it a tone.
  • The peculiar quality of sound in any voice or instrument; as, a rich tone, a reedy tone.
  • A mode or tune or plain chant; as, the Gregorian tones.
  • That state of a body, or of any of its organs or parts, in which the animal functions are healthy and performed with due vigor.
  • Tonicity; as, arterial tone.
  • State of mind; temper; mood.
  • Tenor; character; spirit; drift; as, the tone of his remarks was commendatory.
  • General or prevailing character or style, as of morals, manners, or sentiment, in reference to a scale of high and low; as, a low tone of morals; a tone of elevated sentiment; a courtly tone of manners.
  • The general effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, together with color in the case of a painting; -- commonly used in a favorable sense; as, this picture has tone.
  • To utter with an affected tone.
  • To give tone, or a particular tone, to; to tune. See Tune, v. t.
  • To bring, as a print, to a certain required shade of color, as by chemical treatment.
  • An urchin who has soft, whitish hair.
  • The hooded merganser.

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