"Feel Rich: Health is the New Wealth" is a 2017 documentary film that is available on Netflix. The film is directed by Peter Spirer and features interviews with various musicians and celebrities, including Quincy Jones, Common, and Fat Joe. The film explores the relationship between wealth, health, and happiness, and encourages viewers to prioritize their health over material possessions.
The film starts by examining the health epidemic that is affecting many people in the United States. Spirer uses interviews with medical experts and statistics to paint a picture of a nation that is becoming increasingly unhealthy. The film points out that despite the country's immense wealth, the average American is not as healthy as they should be.
The documentary then shifts its focus to how wealth affects health. Spirer uses interviews with celebrities and musicians to show how their success has come at the expense of their health. The film shows that many of these successful people have neglected their health, leading to various health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Throughout the film, Spirer encourages viewers to prioritize their health over material possessions. He argues that good health is the key to happiness and that wealth should be viewed as a means to achieve good health, not as an end in itself. The documentary shows that by making small changes to their lifestyle, such as eating healthier and exercising more, people can improve their health and happiness.
One of the strengths of "Feel Rich: Health is the New Wealth" is the personal stories of the celebrities and musicians who share their struggles with health and wealth. These stories help to humanize the issue and make it more relatable to viewers. The film also provides practical advice and tips for improving health, such as making healthier food choices and incorporating more physical activity into daily life.
In conclusion, "Feel Rich: Health is the New Wealth" is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the relationship between wealth, health, and happiness. The film encourages viewers to prioritize their health over material possessions and shows that good health is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. It is a must-watch for anyone who wants to improve their health and well-being, regardless of their financial situation.