Meaning of ஊட்டச்சத்து in English
- Innutritious.
- The act of nourishing, or the state of being nourished; nutrition.
- That which serves to nourish; nutriment; food.
- Nodding; having the top bent downward.
- The act of nodding.
- A very small libratory motion of the earth's axis, by which its inclination to the plane of the ecliptic is constantly varying by a small amount.
- The motion of a flower in following the apparent movement of the sun, from the east in the morning to the west in the evening.
- Circumnutation.
- Nutritious; nourishing; promoting growth.
- Any substance which has nutritious qualities, i. e., which nourishes or promotes growth.
- That which nourishes; anything which promotes growth and repairs the natural waste of animal or vegetable life; food; aliment.
- That which promotes development or growth.
- Nutritious.
- Pertaining to, or connected with, nutrition; nutritious.
- In the broadest sense, a process or series of processes by which the living organism as a whole (or its component parts or organs) is maintained in its normal condition of life and growth.
- In a more limited sense, the process by which the living tissues take up, from the blood, matters necessary either for their repair or for the performance of their healthy functions.
- That which nourishes; nutriment.
- Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, nutritional changes.
- Nutrition; nourishment.
Meaning of ஊட்டச்சத்து in English
English usage of ஊட்டச்சத்து
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