Meaning of गपशप in English
- The hook on the end of an eccentric rod opposite the strap. See. Illust. of Eccentric.
- The mouth; hence, idle prate; chatter; unmeaning talk; loquaciousness.
- To deceive; to lie.
- To talk idly; to prate; to chatter.
- A sponsor; a godfather or a godmother.
- A friend or comrade; a companion; a familiar and customary acquaintance.
- One who runs house to house, tattling and telling news; an idle tattler.
- The tattle of a gossip; groundless rumor.
- To stand sponsor to.
- To make merry.
- To prate; to chat; to talk much.
- To run about and tattle; to tell idle tales.
- of Gossip
- To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense; to chatter.
- To utter rapidly or indistinctly; to gabble; as, to jabber French.
- Rapid or incoherent talk, with indistinct utterance; gibberish.
- One who jabbers.
- To strike with a quick succession of slight, sharp sounds; as, pattering rain or hail; pattering feet.
- To mutter; to mumble; as, to patter with the lips.
- To talk glibly; to chatter; to harangue.
- To spatter; to sprinkle.
- To mutter; as prayers.
- A quick succession of slight sounds; as, the patter of rain; the patter of little feet.
- Glib and rapid speech; a voluble harangue.
- The cant of a class; patois; as, thieves's patter; gypsies' patter.
- To prate; to talk idly; to use many words with little meaning; to chat.
- To tell tales; to communicate secrets; to be a talebearer; as, a tattling girl.
- Idle talk or chat; trifling talk; prate.
Meaning of गपशप in English
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