Meaning of پین in English
- A gull, esp. the common British species (Larus canus); called also sea mew, maa, mar, mow, and cobb.
- To shed or cast; to change; to molt; as, the hawk mewed his feathers.
- To cast the feathers; to molt; hence, to change; to put on a new appearance.
- A cage for hawks while mewing; a coop for fattening fowls; hence, any inclosure; a place of confinement or shelter; -- in the latter sense usually in the plural.
- A stable or range of stables for horses; -- compound used in the plural, and so called from the royal stables in London, built on the site of the king's mews for hawks.
- To shut up; to inclose; to confine, as in a cage or other inclosure.
- To cry as a cat.
- The common cry of a cat.
- A species of hickory. See Pecan.
- Alt. of Panto-
- A part; a portion.
- The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.
- A leaf of gold or silver.
- To join or fit together; to unite.
- The betel leaf; also, the masticatory made of the betel leaf, etc. See /etel.
- The god of shepherds, guardian of bees, and patron of fishing and hunting. He is usually represented as having the head and trunk of a man, with the legs, horns, and tail of a goat, and as playing on the shepherd's pipe, which he is said to have invented.
- A shallow, open dish or vessel, usually of metal, employed for many domestic uses, as for setting milk for cream, for frying or baking food, etc.; also employed for various uses in manufacturing.
- A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating. See Vacuum pan, under Vacuum.
- The part of a flintlock which holds the priming.
- The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the upper part of the head; the brainpan; the cranium.
- A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.
- The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil. See Hard pan, under Hard.
- A natural basin, containing salt or fresh water, or mud.
- To separate, as gold, from dirt or sand, by washing in a kind of pan.
- To yield gold in, or as in, the process of panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out richly.
- To turn out (profitably or unprofitably); to result; to develop; as, the investigation, or the speculation, panned out poorly.
- The narrow edge of a hammer head. See Peen.
- A division; a distinct piece, limited part, or compartment of any surface; a patch; hence, a square of a checkered or plaided pattern.
- One of the openings in a slashed garment, showing the bright colored silk, or the like, within; hence, the piece of colored or other stuff so shown.
- A compartment of a surface, or a flat space; hence, one side or face of a building; as, an octagonal tower is said to have eight panes.
- Especially, in modern use, the glass in one compartment of a window sash.
- In irrigating, a subdivision of an irrigated surface between a feeder and an outlet drain.
- One of the flat surfaces, or facets, of any object having several sides.
- One of the eight facets surrounding the table of a brilliant cut diamond.
- Having panes; provided with panes; also, having openings; as, a paned window; paned window sash.
- Having flat sides or surfaces; as, a six/paned nut.
- of Pan
Meaning of پین in English
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